Build Your Own Search Engine and Web Crawler in 5 Minutes with Node.js, MySQL, and Elasticsearch

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to build a search engine and web crawler using Node.js, MySQL, Redis, and Elasticsearch. We’ll start by creating a web crawler that will endlessly crawl the web and add new URLs to a MySQL database and a Redis cache. We’ll then set up Elasticsearch to index the pages … Read more

Mastering Web Crawling and Indexing: Advanced Techniques for Building Your Own Search Engine with Node.js, MySQL, and Elasticsearch

In this tutorial, we will take the basic search engine and web crawler we built in our previous tutorial and make it more advanced by customizing the crawler, using more advanced indexing techniques with Elasticsearch, and implementing a PageRank algorithm to rank pages higher based on the number of links between domains. If you haven’t … Read more

Step-by-Step Guide: Setting Up a High-Availability Cluster for Nginx, PHP-FPM, and MySQL with Pacemaker and DRBD

Introduction In this tutorial, we will show you how to set up a highly available cluster for web services using Pacemaker and DRBD. The cluster will consist of two nodes, with both nodes running nginx, PHP-FPM, and MySQL. Pacemaker will be used to manage the resources and ensure that they are highly available, while DRBD … Read more

How to Install and Setup WordPress on Linux with Nginx and PHP-FPM

Are you ready to create your own WordPress site on Linux? Nginx and PHP-FPM are powerful alternatives to Apache that can help you achieve fast and reliable performance. In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps to install and setup WordPress on Linux using Nginx and PHP-FPM, with code snippets for each command. We’ll … Read more