Setting Up WordPress on Linux with Nginx and PHP-FPM Using Ansible

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In our previous article, we showed you how to install and set up WordPress on Linux with Nginx and PHP-FPM. In this tutorial, we’ll take things a step further by showing you how to use Ansible to automate the entire process.

Ansible is a powerful tool for automating server configuration and deployment tasks, and it can save you a lot of time and effort when it comes to setting up complex systems like a WordPress site.


Before you begin, you’ll need to have the following:

  • A Linux server running Ubuntu 18.04 or later
  • Ansible installed on your local machine

Installing and Configuring Ansible

To use Ansible to automate the setup of WordPress on Linux with Nginx and PHP-FPM, you’ll need to install and configure Ansible on your local machine.

Installing Ansible

On Ubuntu, you can install Ansible using the following command:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ansible

Configuring Ansible

Next, you’ll need to configure Ansible by creating an inventory file and a playbook. The inventory file lists the servers you want to manage with Ansible, and the playbook defines the tasks you want Ansible to perform on those servers.

  1. Create an inventory file named hosts in your Ansible project directory. Add the IP address or hostname of your target server to the file:
  1. Create a playbook file named wordpress.yml in your Ansible project directory. Add the following code to the file:
- hosts: web
  become: yes

    - name: Install Nginx
      apt: name=nginx state=latest

    - name: Install PHP and PHP-FPM
          - php-fpm
          - php-mysql
          - php-xml
          - php-gd
        state: latest

    - name: Install MariaDB
      apt: name=mariadb-server state=latest

    - name: Create WordPress database
        name: wordpress
        state: present

    - name: Create WordPress database user
        name: wordpress_user
        password: your_password_here
        priv: "wordpress.*:ALL"
        state: present

    - name: Install WordPress
        dest: /tmp/wordpress.tar.gz

    - name: Extract WordPress
        src: /tmp/wordpress.tar.gz
        dest: /var/www/html
        remote_src: yes

    - name: Set WordPress file permissions
        path: /var/www/html/wordpress
        state: directory
        mode: '0755'
        recurse: yes

This playbook will install Nginx, PHP-FPM, and MariaDB on your server, create a new WordPress database and user, download and extract the latest version of WordPress, and set the correct file permissions for the WordPress installation.

Running the Ansible Playbook

To run the Ansible playbook, navigate to your Ansible project directory and enter the following command:

ansible-playbook -i hosts wordpress.yml

Ansible will connect to the server and perform each task in the playbook, automatically configuring your WordPress site for you.

Once the playbook has completed, you should be able to visit your server’s IP address in your web browser and see the WordPress installation page.


Using Ansible to automate the installation and setup of WordPress on Linux with Nginx and PHP-FPM can save you a lot of time and effort, especially if you need to set up multiple sites or manage multiple servers.

In this tutorial, we’ve shown you how to use Ansible to install and configure the necessary components for a WordPress site, including Nginx, PHP-FPM, MariaDB, and WordPress itself. By following the steps in this tutorial, you should be able to automate the entire process and get your WordPress site up and running in no time.

Remember that Ansible is a powerful tool with many features, and there are many ways to customize and optimize your Ansible playbooks. We encourage you to explore the Ansible documentation and community to learn more about what you can do with this powerful tool.

External Links

Ansible Documentation – the official documentation for Ansible, which provides detailed information on how to use Ansible for server configuration and automation.

Ansible Galaxy – a repository of pre-built Ansible playbooks and roles that you can use to quickly set up common server configurations and applications.

The Nginx Documentation – the official documentation for Nginx, which provides information on how to configure and use Nginx as a web server.

The PHP-FPM Documentation – the official documentation for PHP-FPM, which provides information on how to install and configure PHP-FPM as a FastCGI process manager for PHP.

The WordPress Codex – the official documentation for WordPress, which provides information on how to use and customize WordPress.

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