A Beginner’s Guide to Terraform: Getting Started, Best Practices, and More

Section 1: Introduction to Terraform Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code (IaC) tool that enables developers and operators to manage and provision infrastructure resources across different cloud providers and on-premises infrastructure. It was created by HashiCorp and released in 2014. Terraform allows you to define infrastructure resources in code, rather than using manual processes … Read more

Creating a Custom Boot Menu with iPXE and PXE Server: Take Your Network Installations to the Next Level

Are you tired of manually installing different operating systems on multiple computers? Look no further than iPXE and PXE server to make your life easier! With a PXE server and iPXE, you can deploy Windows, Linux, or any other operating system to multiple computers over the network. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to … Read more

Build Your Own Search Engine and Web Crawler in 5 Minutes with Node.js, MySQL, and Elasticsearch

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to build a search engine and web crawler using Node.js, MySQL, Redis, and Elasticsearch. We’ll start by creating a web crawler that will endlessly crawl the web and add new URLs to a MySQL database and a Redis cache. We’ll then set up Elasticsearch to index the pages … Read more

Mastering Web Crawling and Indexing: Advanced Techniques for Building Your Own Search Engine with Node.js, MySQL, and Elasticsearch

In this tutorial, we will take the basic search engine and web crawler we built in our previous tutorial and make it more advanced by customizing the crawler, using more advanced indexing techniques with Elasticsearch, and implementing a PageRank algorithm to rank pages higher based on the number of links between domains. If you haven’t … Read more